Pleated Anti-Insect Nets

Pleated Anti-Insect Nets

Crops are very important to humanity. The most important ingredient of natural life is drug-free and fresh food. In order to be healthier, we need to eat more fruits and vegetables, and that is why our crops must be healthy and drug-free. When it comes to planting crops without free of insects and drug-free, the first thing that comes to mind is the anti insect nets. With the anti insect nets, we can easily protect our crops from insects and birds. Anti insect nets, which have many advantages, are highly preferred. This is the best way to eat healthy without using any insecticide. With the anti-insect net, the crop is increased at the same time. This way, you will be able to earn a great income from your investment by increasing the efficiency of fruits and vegetables, or if you are not interested in agriculture, you can also offer healthy, drug-free and fresh fruits and vegetables to your loved ones. Below we provide you more information and advantages of anti insect nets.


Our anti insect nets protect crops against all kinds of insects, birds, animals such as chickens, cats. Our nets also protect against UV rays. thus, no harm comes to the crops. The dimensions of the anti insect net vary according to the area size of the crops. on average it is 1.35 x 1.35 mm. The thin nets make the crops more protected. Thin anti-insect nets are both heavy and more protected against UV rays. The heavy weight of the nets makes it resistant to wind. In addition, the most protected net, especially gainst small insects, is thin net. Larger anti insect nets are quite sheltered for butterflies and vegetable flies. However, for fruit flies and fleas, thin net is very protective and necessary. All anti insect nets protect themselves and their crops against all kinds of bad weather conditions such as hail, wind, heavy rain or stifling temperatures. As we mentioned before, our protection nets protect the crops from animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits and snails. Our anti insect nets are mostly made of plastic threads and are woven in light colours. Our nets are more noticeable in the vegetable crop field. The installations of anti insect nets are as follows; First we take the measure of the crop fields. Then we start the project according to the dimensions, with paying attantion to the color of the insect net you have desired. Our networks are implemented by our colleagues who are experts in their fields. The application is applied before the crops bloom. if your crops are in bloom or producing fruit or vegetables then it is applied after harvest. that is, anti insect nets are applied either before flowering or after harvest. In the network implementation phase; Before starting the net application, both sides of the tree rows are opened, making it easier to secure the edges of the nets. Nets are placed over the rows and stretched. Thus, a tight anti-insect network is formed.

Coming to the advantages of anti insect nets, there are multiple advantages. With the quality of the nets applied by our company, it ensures the longevity of the nets and no decay occurs. There is no expansion or relaxation in the networks. Our nets, which are not affected by moisture and protect themselves and crops against UV rays, are much lighter than nylon and do not sink in the water. Apart from these, our most preferred and robust anti-insect nets protect fruits and vegetables while harvesting. Thanks to our anti-insect nets that provide full containment, no bird species, animal species such as cats, dogs, snails and insects will be able to access the crops. Our nets, which are highly preferred for their easy installation, quality, durability and protection, are available in any color. You can make your garden or field even more beautiful according to your desire.


As a conclusion, the anti-insect net will both sup port your investment and ensure that you and your family are fed with healthy and natural fruits and vegetables. If you want to protect your land from many different animals, all you have to do is choosing our anti insect net. For more information about anti insect, please contact us.